At the moment we are already organizing the regatta. And therefore I want to invite you personally to come!
Some of you will ask when? The regatta is from Thursday 13.08.2020 till Sunday the 16.08.2020. (FD)
Last year we have had almost 40 FDs and 40 Korsars on our lake. Due to almost 200 participants and good windy and sunny wetter it was great fun.
This year the regatta will be held together with the 22ft. UFO class. The UFOs will be in water all time. And we won´t have the Korsar class. We therefore have more space for more FD`s on land! And more space for us to party.
My personal goal are 80 FD`s, I will spend free beer! ……… Come and join us!
Some people will ask about the corona issue. I talked to the government, and also to the Austrian Sailing Federation. And I can say following:
• We are allowed to race the regatta on our lake in Tirol.
• Max. number of 200 participants are allowed
• Excluded are the people for the organization, non-participants, home guests of the sailing club.
• We have to keep distance, etc.
For those who need a room to stay, we kindly ask to book a hotel or apartment in town. Due to Corona, there are no rooms and beds at the sailing club available to stay over night.
For those who has a van, mobile home, etc. We are allowed to provide you a place during the regatta in our sailing club. Because of the corona I kindly ask you to send me an email with:
Mobile home / VAN / etc.
Length of your vehicle.
Number plate
How many persons
So that we can organize a suitable place for you.
We can conclude that 100 FDs are possible, if no UFOs are around. Therefore at the moment we limited the FD`s to 80 boats, and 160 participants. And keep 40 participants for the UFO-22 free. If there are more people which will come, then we have a waiting list. Maybe we have last minute places which we can give.
The risk of some corona issues (government rules and regulations) is too high, and we are not sure if something unfortunately will happen in August. That is why we decided that you don`t have to pay the starting fee in advance. And we do not charge extra on the starting day.
If you decided to come, then please register on our website. Than we know how much people will be there, and we know how much we have to organize.
If you do not register in advance, we will normally charge extra when you decide to come on the last moment / day. This is because of the organization of everything.
We will also charge the full amount plus extra if you register and you will not show up. This is because we have buy and organize everything in advance. So please send me an email if you have registered, and you will or can not come to us.
And, first come, first serve! So the rules are clear, and nothing is in between to join the biggest FD regatta in Austrian.
Underneath there are some links which you need.
If you have some questions, please contact me: Paul((at))
Best wishes and see you in AugustPaul Hullenaar
Regatta Sailing Club SCTWV
Ausschreibung / Notice of Race
Extra Unterlagen / supplement of NoR
Link Melden / Register
Link Meldungen / List of participants.